Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Spider Story in 100

A big, creepy, crawly, icky, sticky, leggy bug loomed over our bed, freaking me out majorly, leaving breathing air not an option. Loud shrillness started screaming inside wanting to be heard but neither sound nor air, could force beyond my lips.

Husband sits quietly half asleep in the dark, cozy den watching sports television, specifically baseball and I was frozen still.

Brooms, mops, newspapers, even clothes, all mentally meandered about as options of escape. Insurance plans' coverage won't cover death from spider phobia. Finally it retreated away from any nearness.

Running, leaving fears behind, one bathtub provided safe retreat.

~ this piece was written at the challenge of a fellow blogger who asked that we write a 100 word piece on something scary or Halloween-ish. We had to use 100 words exactly and not repeat a single word. It certainly does not flow like I would like it too - but it was an interesting exercise. Thanks to Janet for her word counting and word duplication checking skills.

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