Saturday, October 6, 2007

A lot of thoughts - only a little development

I have had a lot of thoughts since I started actively writing again. A lot of one liners that sound great, a lot of quotes that I could write about, and many drafts of blurbs of things that are good but need globs of development.

I guess right now I am doing writing superficially. I am exploring it all over again. I think I need to give myself time and space to sit and breathe with that. I have to accept that I will have many undeveloped pieces - that's OK.

But I wonder when I should flip the switch, start thinking about revising some of what I have written. When should I take it beyond a blog prompt response and into a short memoir/narrative. I am not sure of what my goal is with my writing. I don't see myself writing a full novel - but one never knows. I think I prefer the short story route. Some memoir or memoir like columns.

All food for thought for now I am just writing.


richgold said...

Start with the one liners and use them as a writing exercise.

Post them. They could be fun, funny, or provocative jumping off points for others.

I used to keep a book of quotes around with me. I did that for years when I couldn't find my own voice. When I look back on those pages and pages of notes, I know exactly what was going on.

Are you familiar with the book The Artist's Way?

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,
Great writing blog...keep up the good work :)

Carol said...

Like you, I have yet to go to this next step. I tend to write/post and then move on. I guess a true writer would stay, revise, improve, and edit, huh?

