Friday, November 23, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - Mis-spent Youth?

~ written for Sunday Scribblings
Everyone says hindsight is 20/20, oh wait that is too cliché for an opening sentence. Well my youth was cliché so perhaps it works in it’s own way. I was angst ridden in my youth, not popular but not unpopular. While I may have been worrisome to my folks it was not what you think. Sure I may have frazzled them to death my endless questions and anxiety and need for reassurance – this lasted well into my 20’s and the anxiety part….well let’s just say we are still aquaintences.

I never had a curfew because I was never out late. I never really got grounded because well…I was never out late. I did have a “sassy mouth” on me and a persistent demand to get the last word in always. Drove my mother NUTS.

I didn’t drink at all until sometime around 17-18. Didn’t lost my virginity till I was 20. My biggest mis-spentness in my youth was my “sassy mouth” my insecurities, and my love of spending. I am still working on all three to some point I suppose, only now I prefer to call it dry wit or sarcasm.

I guess if you stretch “youth” into my twenties then there were plenty of mis-spent moments. Maybe I just came into pushing my boundaries, and whooping it up until then. Still what I consider my “wild days” were tame in comparison to most others I know. Still there are a few numbers I would like to turn back the clock and lower!

Am I the adult I thought I would be when I was a kid? In some ways…I am married and I have a dog. I fell short of being a pediatric oncologist or a Peter Jennings-esque journalist living in a huge loft in NYC, but that is OK with me. I am glad to not live in NYC. I don’t think I ever could have envisioned doing what I do for a living now simply because technology was not where it is at now.

Some things never change – I loved to read and write then and I still do now. I still like to shop and still manage my money with less finesse than I would like. I still and always will love; ice cream, pasta, risotto, cheese, pizza, my mom’s homemade sauce, and the ocean. My desires now are simpler though.

I can honestly say though that if I could turn back time there is only one thing I would change – and that stays with me.


Beau Brackish said...

Very interesting read. I had a very similar youth. I never got into trouble, seldom stayed out late or drank much. It wasn't until college, went I discovered those things. Even then, aside from drinking, I was pretty tame.

I had to do thing over again, maybe I would have made more mistakes in my youth, but I wouldn't alter too much if it would have changed the course events that have brought me to where I am today.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't into wild parties or anything like that. I was more into quest of knowledge. My 2 elder brothers were more than happy to fill on those gaps.

I was a nightmare for my teachers as I couldn't sit still. However, I turned out ok!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Reading your childhood sounds so similiar to mine.

I wish I could change an awful thought too...especially with the money situation and me being a big spender.

I'm still struggling with the spending thing. I have been thinking back and fourth on this particular wall decor that I want, but right now can't justify spending it, unless I put it on my credit card...which is a big no no. Rich keeps me in line though ;)

Crafty Green Poet said...

I can relate to a lot of what you say here.

Tumblewords: said...

Sounds like you've gotten to a very nice place and that's a wonderful thing. Nice read!

Patois42 said...

Whatever that checkerboard of youth and young adulthood was, you found your way to a great place. Nice post.

Lucy said...

I love your last line! Blogging is wonderful but HEY, We can't just be totally open books! good for you- keep your regrets safe in your own heart.

paisley said...

well it was after all your youth,, and if you are happy with it... then so am i.....

Anonymous said...

I, too, love your last line. Great scribble!

Writer Bug said...

Oooh--intriguing last sentence! (Though from your comment on my blog,I came here expecting to read about a silly black lab! I can't seem to find that post. But I enjoyed this one.)