Tuesday, September 25, 2007

blogFriday "Start"

I like to participate in Writer's Island and Friday Fill-Ins. I keep a regular personal blog SMOOCHDOG and I have this writing blog. I have pretty much stopped participating in Thursday Thirteen because it is a list and no so much creative, at least for me. I have now started one more creative writing journey each week and it is...

The newly created blogFriday. Go on an check it out. A new word prompt each Friday and the first word is.....


I am starting blogFriday for the same reason I started Writer's Island and the same reason I became a member of writing.com because I want to write creatively. I want to learn how to be a better writer not to be famous or even to be paid (although that would be nice) but because I enjoy it.

I wish I had more time in my day for writing. I feel like I get up early to write before work, I write on my lunch hour and down time at work (shhhh) and I try to write or read other's writing for an hour in the evenings. Still I feel there is just not enough time.

Part of me wonders if starting another blog group/weekly prompt is a good idea. In addition to writing a post for these prompts and groups I also inevitably feel compelled to READ what others write. It is a great way to learn and a great way to get feedback as well as learn about other blogs. Some days I just wonder how many blogs I can handle knowing about. I love so many of them but because I am who I am I often feel compelled to "keep up" with all my blog reading. Yes, slightly obsessive compulsive.

Anyway for now, I am starting blogFriday.

1 comment:

Jonathan Beckett said...

I have had the same reservations about joining things in the past as you - but I think BlogFriday isn't about taking part *every* week - it's about taking part when you want to.

Seeing the "word of the week" might inspire you immediately to relate some story, or expound on a subject. It may also leave you cold - and that's fine too!

If nothing else, BlogFriday should become a great place to find blog posts... I guess when the words such as "Loss", "Life", and "Journey" start appearing, the posts to it will become really interesting.