Thursday, November 1, 2007

Writer's Island - "The Problem of Time"

~ written for Writer's Island

Writer's Island, Blog Friday, my personal blog, this writing blog, my current job, my new job, my husband, my dog, my friends, my life, my I-can't-wait-to-start-taking-a-night-class-in writing, the holidays are coming (oh yes they are my dear friends), and keeping in touch with everyone I want to, while balancing my very real need for alone time and creative time and veg out time and seeing my niece time.

So what's the problem. Time. That's it. I don't have enough time. How do people who work full time, and write find the time? A class will help believe it or not because I will have assignments to produce. I am hoping that something I produce in one of the 4 classes I take before I can apply to the Master in Liberal Arts Degree in Creative Writing can be used for my application - we need to submit two pieces. Deadlines and directives help me. Creative writing however is not so geared toward starting with a directive - hence the creative part.

Problem or not I keep doing what I can to write, and I need to revise some of what I have done at some point but for now - it's just keep writing. If I can do that, the problem where I find the time is 1/2 overcome, or at least ignored.

Come check out other writers on Writer's Island or better yet, come on over and join the island!

* I consider this and most all of work here works in progress. I know there are several areas. All constructive feedback is welcome.


little wing writer said...

yes...i agree...

Anonymous said...

It's funny I wrote almost the same thing. I can totally relate! It seems as though I never have time for myself these days!